DIY Shopping Bag Art

Cheap DIY: Shopping Bag Art

A long time ago, I saw where someone did this so I started collecting shopping bags that were in pretty good shape in the hopes that one day I’d get my act together and put them on display.

While I’d love to say I have lots of Louis Vuitton and Chanel shopping bags, sadly I do not (a girl can dream, though, amirite??) I’ve always had a deep love of Kate Spade handbags. They are both fun and classic at the same time, so I feel like they will still be in style for years to come. I hunt down outlets and wait for sample sales and buy a new piece each year. It used to be my reward to myself every year for my birthday (that tradition is temporarily on hold as I’m on a stay-at-home-mom hiatus, so my shopping habits are also on hold, all budgets and meal-planning these days!).

Surround yourself with the things you love. Discard the rest. – Kate Spade

We have two closets in our bedroom in this new rental, so I have more freedom to make it my own. I have done a great job weeding out clothes I no longer look good in or haven’t worn in who knows how long, so for once my closet is organized and not stuffed to the brim, and I finally have some room on a shelf for some artwork.

Unpacking after our move, I found my stash of shopping bags and remembered this one poster we decided not to put up and it was perfect! Free art!

DIY Shopping Bag Art

All You NEED: Shopping Bag + A Poster Frame

Measure the shopping bag and find a frame that will fit it proportionally. I used a poster frame, which worked out pretty well because the “glass” front is a more pliable plastic, perfect for a thick shopping bag and handles. Many shopping bags will look great in a poster frame, so find one you like and will compliment the bag and your closet. Michaels and Hobby Lobby tend to have them on sale quite often, so I’d start there. I have a few other gold/platinum poster frames I’ve picked up from Michael’s. If you put something pretty in them, no one will ever even know they are poster frames! You save money and they are easy to hang with a tiny nail or even command strips because they are so light.

And there you have it! Inexpensive, meaningful art for your closet, gallery wall, bedroom or office!

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